“The mind and body are not separate. What affects one, affects the other.”


Varicose Veins- Get your legs ready for Summer


For those who suffer from varicose veins, the warmer summer weather brings new problems. From increased self-consciousness about wearing leg-baring shorts or bathing suits to aggravated symptoms, summer isn’t necessarily a favorite season. While we all like to look good, we also like to feel good and summer heat can aggravate the physical discomforts associated with varicose veins taking the fun out of ‘fun in the sun.’

Varicose veins are permanently dilated, twisted veins. Although they can occur in any part of the body, they usually develop in the legs. They appear as enlarged, snake-like, blue veins and are most noticeable when standing. They are most commonly seen in the back of the calf or on the inside of the leg, anywhere between the ankle and the groin.

While they are unsightly, which can of course cause distress, they do not usually cause any significant problems unless they are particularly severe. Varicose veins are caused by incomplete blood circulation: veins contain one-way valves every few inches to help the blood return to the heart against gravity. If these valves leak, then the increased pressure prevents the blood from draining properly.

If you have varicose veins, there are several things you can do about them. Here are some tips to help reduce your discomfort so you can enjoy the summer months.
1.    Stay cool – Increased heat can dilate your veins and cause pain and other symptoms like aching and tenderness to worsen. Help keep your body cool by wearing loose or flowing glass bottleclothes in breathable cotton whenever possible.
2.    Stay hydrated – By drinking plenty of water and other fluids throughout the day, you will not only stay cool, you’ll improve your circulation.

-3.    Stay active – Regular, low-impact exercise like swimming and walking will work your calf muscles, which can improve circulation in your legs. If you sit a lot at work or home, you can help relieve pressure in your varicose veins by keeping your legs uncrossed and periodically rotating your ankles, then flexing and pointing your feet 10-15 times. Doing this at regular intervals throughout the day can reduce pressure in the legs and improve circulation.
4.    Wear support socks – Compression stockings and socks are available at most medical supply stores and are now made in a variety of skin tones and fashionable colors. You can take advantage of one of the newer style trends that considers pairing shorts and sandals with tights to be fashion-forward rather than a fashion faux pas! You might opt to hide your compression stockings under some of the longer-length sundresses or loose pants that are in style this season.

5.    Keep legs elevated – Lessen the negative effects of gravity on varicose veins by putting your feet up on a box, stool or ottoman whenever you sit. If you are relaxing at home, you can also lie down on the sofa or recliner with your feet propped up. Extra pillows can be placed under your feet whenever you are lying down in bed.

6. Say NO to salt. – Although Sodium in small doses helps regulate the balance of fluids in your body, transmit nerve impulses and aid the contraction and relaxation of muscles too much will cause your body to retain more water which may result in higher blood volume increasing strain on and swelling of your veins.-

7. Garlic- It is known that one of the foods that improves blood circulation is garlic, as it protects the aorta artery, which is in charge of distributing all the blood from the heart. Therefore, it will be highly appropriate to add garlic to your daily diet and even use supplements based on this ingredient.

8. Ion Foot Detox-Your feet will soak for 30 minutes, while an array pulls internal toxins from your body. An ionic foot detox machine is an energy therapy device that helps balance the body’s natural energy system. By introducing a high level of negative ions into the water of a foot bath, the feet, utilizing principles of reflexology and the science of ionization and osmosis, create a positive cellular environment and enable the body’s natural detoxification processes to function at their peak. This may help with reducing varicose veins, as well as joint pain, arthritis, chronic fatigue, poor circulation, heavy metal toxicity, allergies, eczema and much more. The basin of water changes many colors depending on the toxins it’s pulling from your body. It Continues to assist in the detoxification process 24 hours after treatment.


This condition can vary in severity from a minor cosmetic nuisance to a major problem that causes a great deal of distress in the form of irritation and aching, and homeopathic support needs to be appropriate to the needs of the situation. The following advice is geared towards alleviating the discomfort of varicose veins that only surface infrequently, and are mild in nature. Choosing an appropriate remedy from any of the following can be used as a stopgap to relieve pain and distress, while waiting for surgical intervention to provide a more radical solution.

To treat varicose veins that appear to be escalating from a moderate nuisance to a more major condition, seek advice and treatment from an experienced homeopathic practitioner.

Prevention: The best way to prevent varicose veins from appearing in the legs is to avoid putting undue pressure on vulnerable areas. To achieve this, cross the legs at the ankle rather than the knee. Avoid standing for long periods at a time, but walk as much as possible to stimulate circulation in the legs. If veins in the legs are sore and aching after a long day, make a point of resting with your feet raised slightly on a stool.

Arnica: Use this remedy to ease soreness and aching that come on after physical exertion. Legs tend to feel restless and feet feel stiff and achy. There will also be a noticeable sensitivity of the veins to even light touch.

Hamamelis: If differentiating symptoms seem to be absent, Hamamelis can be used as an all-purpose remedy to relieve the pain, soreness, and aching of varicose veins. There may be a prickling, constricted sensation as well as a tendency to develop chilblains as a result of poor circulation.

Lachesis: This is an appropriate remedy for distended veins with a visible purplish tinge that are worse on, or restricted to, the left side. The affected leg or legs will be noticeably heat sensitive, with pounding, bursting pains that are temporarily eased by taking some exercise. Aching may be especially noticeable on waking from sleep, and eased by contact with cool air, cool water, and cooling compress.

Pulsatilla: Use this remedy to treat aching varicose veins with shifting, changeable pains that are more severe on the right side. There will be a likely tendency to poor circulation with a noticeable general sense of coldness in the hands and feet.

For any comments or further information, please give us a call at (519) 603-0505, or book an appointment through our online booking system.

In health,

Irene Schwens,

Hom, DHMHS, C.Tran.
