“The mind and body are not separate. What affects one, affects the other.”


Test your Body’s Resistance to the Cold and Flu


Every winter, hundreds of thousands of people get the flu. It can put us out of commission for quite some time, so it is wise to start thinking about an effective prophylaxis already now





This test will show you how prone you are to infections. Answer these questions and add up your points at the end.





Questions Yes No
1. Do you get the  Flu or Cold every year? 0 5
2. Do you treat your Cold or Flu with conventional medication? 0 5
3. Do you follow a natural flu prevention protocol every year (Homeopathy, teas, supplements)? 5 0
4. Do you use natural remedies when suffering from a Cold or Flu? 5 0
5. Have you been treated with Antibiotics in the past year? 0 5
6. Do you suffer from GI complaints, constipation, diarrhea, IBS, or fungal   disease? 0 5
7. Does your diet  include primary raw fruits & vegetables? 5 0
8. Do you consume moderate amounts of sugar? 0 5
9. Do you drink enough (Tea, sparkling water, Juices) up to 2 L per day? 5 0
10. Are you stressed? 0 5
11. Are you worried or depressed? 0 5
12. Can you relax? 5 0
13. Do you sleep well? 5 0
14. Do you exercise  regularly? 5 0
15. Do you spend several hours in the sun every week? 5 0
16. Do you have chronically cold feet? 0 5
17. Do you typically spend time in overheated room temperatures exceeding over 20° C? 0 5
18. Do you smoke? 0 5
19. Do you drink alcohol? 0 5
20. Do you feel happy, vital and healthy? 5 0




80-100 Points:
Congratulations!  You have the best chances of beating the Cold & Flu this winter. Although your risk of catching it is slim, you should still try to boost your immune system.


60-80 Points:
You have a slight risk of catching the Cold & Flu this winter, but if you take the necessary precautions and improve your lifestyle, you could be spared.


40-60 Points:
Your chances of getting the Flu are high. Review carefully all the questions where you scored a 0, and then strongly consider following a natural flu prevention protocol.

20-40 Points:
Unfortunately you are not very resistant against the flu and should really review your lifestyle. It is recommended that you carry out a natural flu prevention protocol. Ask your natural health professional for advice on what measures are most appropriate in your case.


Regardless of what your score is, a good flu prevention protocol is beneficial for all. For information on what you can do to protect yourself against bacteria and viruses, please refer to my article: “Beat the Cold and Flu – Naturally”.


Full flu prevention protocols, remedies and kits are available here at K-W Homeopathic Medicine and Wellness Clinic. Call to reserve your kit today, or book an appointment for acute or constitutional treatment, or for a complimentary 15-minute information session, at (519) 603-0505. We are happy to answer your questions.


Wishing you a healthy Cold & Flu Season.

Irene Schwens

Owner and Homeopath